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Comment by tyree731

14 days ago

> China is neutral.

Neutrality in the face of gross violations of international law amounts to tacit support. And yes, I understand that you have addressed this point in your comment, but whataboutism gets us nowhere. If a country is violating human rights, they should be held accountable.

> Taiwan and China are recognized by the United States by international treaty as one country.

A treaty not worth the paper it's written on. It's clear that the United States would defend Taiwan militarily were it to come to that, so mentioning as a reason to punish China that China continues to provoke Taiwan militarily is very relevant.

> The reason for this is the US sees China's economic rise as a threat to its global position.

Ahh yes, of course, this war being entirely the US' fault.

>Neutrality in the face of gross violations of international law amounts to tacit support.

Overall hysterical post but this line was the best by far