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Comment by nonameiguess

3 months ago

This doesn't sound particularly analogous to Prohibition. Mobile computers are being banned from schools, not from everywhere. As far as I'm aware, liquor and beer are also banned from schools and presumably always have been, before, during, and after Prohibition.

I was trying to suggest that at least some of these things will be banned everywhere, not that they have already been. Small scale prohibitions happened well before there was enough drive for the 18th Amendment to be proposed.

I'm not even sure the detail — will it look like a Butlerian Jihad on all tech because AI is everywhere and enough people hate that, or "just" a ban on all social media (including this website) — but the vibes have been brewing for a while now, and it could well take the shape of smartphones being wound back to 8310s.

> As far as I'm aware, liquor and beer are also banned from schools and presumably always have been, before, during, and after Prohibition.

So it's fine for the analogy that phones might get banned from schools before some kind of larger social rejection on par with the example I gave, yes?