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Comment by w10-1

12 days ago

How can one write an article about testing that doesn't even mention the invariants you're trying to validate (by construction or testing)? That's the minimum context for addressing any QA solution.

The GoF pattern book did list patterns, but it primarily argued for a simple language about patterns: context, problem, solution, limitations. It's clear.

The blog-o-sphere recipe of click-bait, straw-man, glib advice designed not to guide practice but to project authority (and promise career advancement) is the exact opposite, because it obfuscates.

The point of writing is to give people tools they can apply in their proximal situation.

Are you really testing if your solutions start by refactoring the code to be more testable? That's more like design if not architecture -- excellent, but well beyond scope (and clearly in the CTO's bailiwick).

And as for mocks: they're typically designed to represent subsystems at integration points (not responses to functions or IO/persistence subsystems). How hard is that to say?

The CTO's way is not to win the argument but to lead organizations by teaching applicable principles, providing guardrails, and motivating people to do the right thing.

Sorry to be exasperated and formulaic, but I think we can do better.