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Comment by lukeramsden

16 days ago

Can start with the number of unicorns in USA vs Europe, especially when you take population in to account https://www.failory.com/unicorns

That isn't a concrete example of a regulations that hinder innovation.

  • What do you think the cause is? Unwashed eggs?

    • any number of reasons: language barriers, existing American firms anti-competing, smaller domestic markets, less centralisation, and, yes, in some cases, regulation, but, when it comes down to it, it's better to have smaller firms that don't (or less frequently) damage society than larger firms than do, even just from the perspective of wealth distribution.

      3 replies →

    • Why are you asking me? And what does 'Unicorns' have to do with innovation anyway?

How many of those unicorns are financial black holes never expecting to turn a profit?

And the inclusion of so many cryptocurrency "unicorns" in that list is also quite telling.