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Comment by ar7hur

3 months ago

> Anyone trying to make a new mainstream language is completely insane, unless they're backed by a huge corporation. There are only two exceptions in the last 25 years that come close: Scala and Kotlin.

And Clojure! (also a JVM language)

I would also add Zig to the list. I certainly hear about it often enough on HN.

  • elixir and gleam in the erlang world

    • Much less effort to build a language (without megacorp backing) if you're building off a battle tested runtime.

      I'm absolutely not saying this to discredit the work that's gone into Clojure, Elixir et al, but it does lend credence to the idea of building for an existing ecosystem instead of bootstrapping your own (along with "seamless" interop as a first class concern)

      If anyone can crack seamless interop between natively compiled languages to dodge ABI hell they'll earn a nice place in history