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Comment by kube-system

21 days ago

> Just because USA likes tampering with proprietary code and using NDA’s with Silicon Valley to bug just about anything they want (because they can), that paranoia consumes them that other countries are doing the same.

During times of war, other countries absolutely do the same.

When you can't justify the actions of your country - but..but..but other countries they do the same!

Just looks at the western reactions about 'foreign agents' bill in Georgia.

  • Who said I'm trying to justify anything? I don't think it is justifiable to do during peacetime.

    But obviously an existential crisis is not the time that many governments stand on their principles, which is why 'war powers' tend to be justified under extenuating circumstances when countries end up at war.

    There is no question, if there is another major war between world powers, they will invoke the authority to compel their industries to cooperate with the effort. If they don't, they'll quickly cease to exist.