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Comment by bunderbunder

12 days ago

I used to love mocks, once upon a time. Nowadays, though, I internally sigh when I see them.

I've come to the opinion that test doubles of any kind should be used as a last resort. They're a very useful tool for hacking testability into legacy code that's not particularly testable. But in a newer codebase they should be treated as a code smell. Code that needs mocks to be tested tends to be code that is overly stateful (read: temporally coupled), or that doesn't obey the Law of Demeter, or that does a poor job of pushing I/O to the edge where it belongs. And those are all design elements that make code brittle in ways that mocking can't actually fix; it can only sweep it under the carpet.

At some point, you need to interact with something that looks like I/O or an external service. Not handling failures from them is a source of a lot of bugs.

Even if pushed to the periphery, how do you test the wrapper you built to hide these failures from the rest of your code base? If you don’t hide these failures in some wrapper, how do you test that your system handles them properly?

I think the answer, like most things, is "it depends". Specifically it depends on the complexity of the thing you're mocking. Mocking a database is a bad idea because there's a ton of complexity incumbent in Postgres that your mocks are masking, so a test that mocks a database isn't actually giving you much confidence that your thing works, but if your interface is a "FooStore" (even one that is backed by a database), you can probably mock that just fine so long as your concrete implementation has "unit tests" with the database in the loop.

Additionally, mocking/faking is often the only way to simulate error conditions. If you are testing a client that calls to a remote service, you will have to handle I/O errors or unexpected responses, and that requires mocking or faking the remote service (or rather, the client side transport stack).

But yeah, I definitely think mocks should be used judiciously, and I _really_ think monkeypatch-based mocking is a travesty (one of the best parts about testing is that it pushes you toward writing maintainable, composable code, and monkey patching removes that incentive--it's also just a lot harder to do correctly).

fully agree with you, mock is a shoehorn to fit unit tests into stateful monoliths with messed up dependencies that cross several stacks and reused in multiple modules.

with better separation of concerns and separation of compute from IO one should not need mocks.

only unit tests + integration e2e tests

Seconded. I shudder when I think back to the "test driven development" days when I wrote so much throwaway test code. Later, you try to refactor the app and it's another 50% of effort to update all the tests. The solution is to avoid it in the way you described.