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Comment by sydbarrett74

16 days ago

Shareholders are owners. If you have equity in something, you are literally an owner. Maybe not the sole owner, but an owner nonetheless. Also, please note my use of the adverb 'usually' to qualify my assertion re: executives and corporate ownership.

I agree that shareholders are owners. I saw "usually", but given the minor overlap it didn't seem sufficient to support a full assertion that MF sides with executives. Given that owners don't have to be executives and executives don't have to be owners.

  • We may disagree in some particulars, but we're in broad agreement. :)

    • Yes! Tl;dr:

      Jack Welch - executives are valuable.

      Milton Friedman - regular staff benefit from competition (in their own industry to keep wages high, and elsewhere to keep products cheaper/higher quality); owners are important because you made an agreement with them when you took their money; executives exist, but are not particularly valuable.