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Comment by nicce

14 days ago

If the service takes any money, it should not be hurried.

Missing privacy policy, no physical address et. will get you flagged as scam site in EU pretty fast.

In this day and age, why does Drawbert need a physical address? That's ridiculous. It's not like someone is going to go to the address and expect to see Drawbert's studio with all of its paints and easels and canvases just laying around waiting to be used.

After that, the only people needing the address would be the state to have on file to send correspondence regarding the business. At that point, so many businesses have an address in another state/country to yet again make that address meaningless. Not really sure what your point in thinking a physical address is meaningful.

  • > After that, the only people needing the address would be the state to have on file to send correspondence regarding the business. At that point, so many businesses have an address in another state/country to yet again make that address meaningless. Not really sure what your point in thinking a physical address is meaningful.

    It is one of the best ways to validate valid business from scam sites.

    There is a point for human person location, usually which can be verified. If the location is real, you are unlikely to scam someone, as there is certain way to reach them.

    Anyway, in EU it is mandated that company has registered physical address.

    • We're just going to have to agree to disagree. Shell companies filing incorporation papers with fake addresses are a thing. If you think that the bizAddy listed on some website is the end all of verifying a company as legit, then you're still susceptible to being scammed.

      There are plenty of services offered to companies that provide a physical address that is nothing more than a wall of mail boxes and a person on staff to sign/accept packages while providing a physical address that gives the appearance of legitimacy.

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  • > After that, the only people needing the address would be the state to have on file to send correspondence regarding the business

    The state is not the only entity to which this concern applies.