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Comment by consumer451

3 months ago

> I don't think this is the reason, I think it's more that they're just too lazy to jump through the approval and maintenance hoops that come with an app store

If that was the case, then why jump through all the hoops of extensive code obfuscation for the Android app? [0]

> DJI also have a terrible track record with data security, with their entire AWS account getting ripped in 2017.

Leaving the door propped open for everyone is also plausible deniability for doing bad things.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39438842

Anti-reversing. Obfuscation and packers are dominant in Chinese applications. If something isn't obfuscated, it's free reign for competitors.

> Leaving the door propped open for everyone is also plausible deniability for doing bad things.

We completely agree here, see "sufficient product telemetry is indistinguishable from surveillance malware." I personally don't think this justifies a blanket ban on a technology; if it did, the world would need to be a very different place.