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Comment by throwaway894345

16 days ago

I think the answer, like most things, is "it depends". Specifically it depends on the complexity of the thing you're mocking. Mocking a database is a bad idea because there's a ton of complexity incumbent in Postgres that your mocks are masking, so a test that mocks a database isn't actually giving you much confidence that your thing works, but if your interface is a "FooStore" (even one that is backed by a database), you can probably mock that just fine so long as your concrete implementation has "unit tests" with the database in the loop.

Additionally, mocking/faking is often the only way to simulate error conditions. If you are testing a client that calls to a remote service, you will have to handle I/O errors or unexpected responses, and that requires mocking or faking the remote service (or rather, the client side transport stack).

But yeah, I definitely think mocks should be used judiciously, and I _really_ think monkeypatch-based mocking is a travesty (one of the best parts about testing is that it pushes you toward writing maintainable, composable code, and monkey patching removes that incentive--it's also just a lot harder to do correctly).