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Comment by RestlessMind

16 days ago

> Longevity, happiness, health, leisure, life satisfaction

Apart from longevity[1], everything else is subjective so do you have any evidence? From what I see based on a quick search, happiness level seems same in US/Canada vs Germany/France. eg. Rankings by this[2] measure: Canada(15), USA(23), Germany(24), France(27). Or scores by this[3] measure: Canada (6.9), USA(6.7), Germany(6.7), France(6.6)

[1] Even longevity is full of caveats and nuances. When you look at life expectancy by ethnicity, a given ethnicity has similar life expectancy across different advanced countries (eg. Japanese-Americans vs Japanese in Japan). It doesn't even seem to be correlated by income in the US, because latinos have a higher life expectancy than whites[4] even though later group is richer than the former.

[2] https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/happiest-...

[3] https://www.visualcapitalist.com/a-map-of-global-happiness-b...

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9256789/

I’m sure Americans are dying healthy and happy at young age. Crunching the numbers until the fit the narrative aside, the chocolates are horrible too.

  • This is called handwaving away an inconvenient truth.

    The highest HDI in the world is possessed by dozens of counties in the US. The lowest in the US is on par with... Poland.