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Comment by permo-w

21 days ago

any number of reasons: language barriers, existing American firms anti-competing, smaller domestic markets, less centralisation, and, yes, in some cases, regulation, but, when it comes down to it, it's better to have smaller firms that don't (or less frequently) damage society than larger firms than do, even just from the perspective of wealth distribution.

> it's better to have smaller firms that don't (or less frequently) damage society

I'm not sure about that - I really like my lifestyle which would be nearly impossible to attain in Europe, but is very attainable for Americans.

I don't see how you're materially better off because you're forced to use foreign companies (Google, Facebook, etc.) instead of having your own.

  • What are you talking about? I am unable to follow your reasoning, maybe you can walk us through?

    • I think he's saying that, yes, this regulation means that your own companies are more ethical, but European consumers end up using these less-regulated American companies anyway. this is true, but this problem has started to be solved by the EU anyway, for example, with the Digital Markets and Services Acts