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Comment by jwagenet

21 days ago

I don’t think UBI type initiatives, decoupling healthcare from employment, etc are incompatible with free market actions; the goal is to cover basic needs so individuals can make their own optimal employment decisions. Wages can still vary with supply and experience can dictate positions available.

With regards to the garbage collection example (although they may not apply to all low level jobs): 1. I think wages can only inflate so far before being overwhelmed by employment supply

2. Raising wages for these jobs helps return dignity and respect to them within the community

3. Because labor cost is cheap/suppressed, we have nonoptimal solutions to things like trash collection and I think there are ways to reduce the labor required.

4. I understand people operate for themselves and don’t care for others, but I believe if society supports people, they will be better at returning the favor but reducing things like littering and dumping.