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Comment by jonahss

16 days ago

I didn't mean people who work at Uber explaining how their load-balancing works.

I meant walking up to a super cool music visualization at an outdoor art festival and they guy there happily explaining to me their entire system built out of a node flow diagram implemented on Max but adapted to visual graphics using a plugin called Vsynth.

Or going over to a friend's house and seeing their modular synth system and they happily explain to you how it works for an hour.

Just this weekend I met an amazing engineer with a street-legal steam-powered motorcycle which he patiently explained for an hour.

That doesn't seem very bay-specific, any DIYer will happily talk about their project.

Yeah that makes sense. Got me wondering to what extent it’s possible with something like load balancing too. Maybe meetups don’t have to corner the market on that kind of info sharing