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Comment by jiggawatts

3 months ago

> there were bugs in the opt-in toggle.

> clean, barring a few versions with small bugs.

Juniper also had a “small bug” in their implementation of the NSA-mandated Dual Elliptic Curve Deterministic Random Bit Generator algorithm that just so happened to leak the exact number of state bits onto the wire required to hack any VPN connection.

I don’t know if you’re an optimist or just a kind soul, but the rest of us are jaded for good reasons.

A drone company has ZERO business collecting flight log information, in the same way my car manufacturer has no business knowing where I drive.

That their “finger slipped” and they “accidentally” made opting out harder should tell you something.

I fly over 55lbs drones for a living and they all have manufacturer black boxes, mandated by regulation, to say "A drone company has ZERO business collecting flight log information" is wrong.

  • I've never heard of such a law or regulation. Which country? Can you link directly to the government site where this is posted?