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Comment by stult

15 days ago

Worth being careful about how we are using the term bias, which means different things in legal contexts than it does in the ML context.

Anything that has a legal requirement to remain unbiased will also clearly define what counts as bias, e.g. discriminating based on race in hiring like you mention. So there's not just some requirement that a process be "unbiased" in a vague, general, philosophical sense as debated above in this thread. Rather, the definition of bias is tied to specific actions relative to specific categories of people, which can thus potentially be measured and corrected.

More generally in ML, bias means that the training set deviates from the ground truth systematically in some way. Entirely eliminating bias that falls into that broader definition seems like an impossibility for general-purpose LLMs, which cover so much territory where the ground-truth is unknown, debatable, or subject to change over time. For example, if you were to ask an LLM whether governmental debt above a certain percentage of GDP damages growth prospects sufficiently to make the debt not worth taking on, you would not receive an answer that corresponds to a ground truth because there is no consensus in academic economics about what the ground truth is. Or rather you wouldn't be able to know that it corresponds to the ground truth, and it would only be a coincidence if it did.

That ML definition of bias runs against the legal definition where the ground-truth is itself biased. e.g., if you were to develop an algorithm to predict whether a given student will succeed in a collegiate environment, it would almost certainly display racial bias because educational outcomes are themselves racially biased. Thus, an unbiased algorithm in the ML-meaning of the word would actually be extremely biased in the legal sense of the word.