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Comment by IshKebab

3 months ago

It is pure in the same way that Rust is memory safe. That is too say there are a tiny number of exceptions/escape hatches, but they are not meant to be the norm. Every day programming doesn't involve them.

Exceptions aren't impure anyway.

Exceptions define an effect. Code with exceptions aren't actually pure in the sense that their return type doesn't fully describe what the code does, so it doesn't just map an input into an output: there is something else going on

In some pure functional languages, the pure fragment doesn't have exceptions, and you add exceptions as an effect (or as a monad)

(If you reify the effect with a type like Either or Result, then the code becomes pure: but that's just a monad like said above)

Anyway I really like the take that Haskell is pure in the same sense that Rust is safe

Haskell has impure constructs but sets you up to define referentially transparent abstractions with them, and this is actually valued by the Haskell community