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Comment by smackeyacky

15 days ago

I can think of a few things that will upset this particular apple cart, chief amongst them is the behaviour of different databases and sorting / collation which might not be generally categorised as the kind of bug a test suite will uncover, but certainly creates production bugs / issues.

I love EntityFramework, it's easily the best ORM I have ever used but it has a few cross-platform footguns that require testing against the actual database service you're using.

If you need to test collation or some database implementation detail, that is the exception where it may be good to use a real database but certainly is not the rule.

  • Collation, localization ( Switzerland is a mess on .Net, I don't want to imagine other frameworks) etc.

    I ended up a few times with discrepancy in the format (excel, .net and windows ) because someone changed it.