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Comment by Jeff_Brown

11 days ago

It all seems so unfathomable to me. Even plants! Wild almonds will kill you with cyanide. Even domesticated horses are scary as hell -- what would they have been like before that? Domestic goats can kill big men -- my uncle (huge, muscly, outdoorsy blue collar guy) almost got rammed to death by one.

The only instance of donestication I really get are cats.

The first domestication was fire. That made the others easier. Also, humans used to cooperate

Humans have co-domesticated along side everything else. We are less scary now as well.

Horses used to be smaller.

Przewalski's horse, the closest thing to a pre-domesticated horse, is about 660lb. A modern draft horse is over 2000lb.

50 mya, Eohippus was around 20lb - the size of a fox.