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Comment by lemonwaterlime

15 days ago

Haskell has yesod, which is Haskell’s Rails. It’s a batteries included web app scaffold. You still need to understand monads, though. But any Haskell shop with web apps is using that.

There’s also scotty and servant for web server stuff.

There’s Esqueleto and Persistent for doing postgreSQL database queries.

And so on.

Yesod seems interesting indeed.

Even though they are biased:

"From a purely technical point of view, Haskell seems to be the perfect web development tool."

But I skimmed the tutorials and can say, I am really not surprised, why it did not take off.

The perfect web developement tool is simple in my opinion. Yesod isn't.

I took a look at Yesod and looks more like Haskell’s Sinatra and comes 6 years later than Rails, in 2010. By 2010 a simple web frameworm is table stakes, no huge differentiator.