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Comment by lmm

3 months ago

> You asked: why should we treat these two cases differently?

I wasn't asking why we care about the treatment of humans. I was pointing out that your original argument makes no sense, because of what it would mean if you applied it to humans. You then responded with a different argument about humans and AIs being different, which - regardless of its merits in its own right - in no way relates to your original one and does nothing to rescue it.

> I was pointing out that your original argument makes no sense, because of what it would mean if you applied it to humans.

And I explained why this equivalence doesn't hold in my view. You have made no attempt to justify it. So why should I buy it? Are you obliged to buy every proposition I put forward? Obviously not, or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

> [It] in no way relates to your original [argument] and does nothing to rescue it.

My argument is only endangered if the equivalence holds - and again, I haven't bought it. You seem to feel entitled to my adopting your perspective, and to respond assuming your equivalence is valid. But you have to earn that by putting forward a good argument.

Instead of trying to convince me or explore our disagreement, you declare that I violated unstated terms and that the discussion cannot proceed. This is nonsensical.

Since it's clear you aren't willing to give me a fair hearing, I encourage you to show this conversation to someone you respect and trust to be honest with you, so that they can explain this to you in a way that will register.

  • > And I explained why this equivalence doesn't hold in my view.

    No you didn't.

    > Instead of trying to convince me or explore our disagreement, you declare that I violated unstated terms and that the discussion cannot proceed.

    No I didn't.

    > Since it's clear you aren't willing to give me a fair hearing, I encourage you to show this conversation to someone you respect and trust to be honest with you, so that they can explain this to you in a way that will register.

    Right back at you.