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Comment by pfdietz

3 months ago

> Waste disposal is an imaginary problem.

Ah, so the money a utility spends on its spent fuel is just imaginary? It's not actually being spent? And if more is spent (as TRISO fuel would require) that's all financial figments too? What one learns.

Are we still talking about China here?

  • The considerations I'm talking about are independent of location. Nor does what happened to weapons waste have any bearing on this issue.

    • What exactly is your point? China built 2 reactors that use TRISO fuel. Are you saying it was a bad decision? Good for you. Maybe you should write them a letter and explain to them why it was so, and what to do in the future.

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    • Not really. China is a big country that's virtually empty above its diagonal. The Nederlands on the other hand is all built up. Imagine opening a nuclear storage facility there in contrast to in some Chinese desert. For China, storage of spent nuclear fuel is a non issue.

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