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Comment by lelanthran

15 days ago

Firstly, I'm seeing all these answers that say spin up a new server, and I have to wonder "WTF?"

No need to spin up a new server, not in a container, not in a new directory, not at all. It's pointless busywork with too many extra points of failure.

Nothing is stopping you using an existing server and creating a new DB, which takes about 1/100th the time that starting up a new server (whether in Docker or otherwise) takes.

Secondly, I don't actually do unit-testing on the database layer - there's little point in it. I test workflows against the database, not units!

What I do is create multiple 'packages' of tests, each with multiple tests. A single 'package' creates a temp db, runs its tests sequentially and then drops the temp db. Each package will setup itself with SQL statements.

This lets the tests perform tests of actual workflows, instead of testing in isolation that an object can be (de)serialised. IOW, I can test that the sequence of `addUser(); setProfilePassword(); signIn(); viewInfo(); signOut();` work as expected, and that `removeUser(); signIn();` fail with the correct error.