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Comment by senttoschool

3 months ago

The problem with the Nvidia replacement goal of big tech is that they don't have an ARM-like organization to design cores for them. Big tech use their own ARM CPUs because they use stock ARM core designs and its ISA. The hardwork was already done for big tech.

Big tech must design their own GPUs. From the looks of it, it's much harder to do it on your own than license cores from ARM.


Apple does and other big tech are just an acquisition away from being able to do it as well. In fact if memory serves me right Apple in-house chips were originally derived from an acquisition.

I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft or Google would buy AMD or Intel (or subdivisions of them) at some point in the future.

This is all speculation of course, and you are not wrong about Nvidia being harder to replace. I mentioned this myself in my previous post, but I don't discard the possibility of it happening.