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Comment by sph

15 days ago

> Take The Globe, for example - the Facebook before Facebook. They failed

"The company's IPO made history when it posted the largest first day gain of any IPO with a 606% increase in price.[3] Early in his tenure, Paternot became known in popular media as "the CEO in the plastic pants" after he was filmed in a nightclub saying 'Got the girl. Got the money. Now I'm ready to live a disgusting, frivolous life.'"

Then they lost everything in the dot-com bust, but is this really failing? They had an idea and probably made life-changing money. theGlobe failed, the people behind it have not. They unlocked the next tier of freedom where they can work on anything they fancy and drive a McLaren to work. I hope to fail like them.

The right time is defeatist nonsense. It's like the stock market: you can't time it, so just enter and stick with it. Hindsight is a useless tool to entrepreneurship.

Stick with it on who's money? Not everyone has the luxury if failing multiple times - you need to at least weigh your odds.