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Comment by nextaccountic

3 months ago

If you want you can still keep this point of view, by saying that IO is conceptually a data structure that builds a description of what the program does. In this point of view it follows that there is another, impure program that interprets the IO data structure and actually performs the computations

(Of course in practice IO isn't implemented like this, because it would be too slow)

(But in every other language, like Javascript or Python, you can define IO as a data structure. Or even in Haskell itself, you can define for eg. a free monad that gets interpreted later, and it can be made to be just as good as IO itself, though typically people make it less powerful than IO)

However note that every other "computational" monad (like the list monad or the Cont monad) actually is a data structure, even though they describe effects just like IO does. This is because IO is the only possible exception to the "monads are data structures" thing in Haskell (if you don't subscribe to the above view), because Haskell doesn't let you define types that aren't data structures

The only issue with this point of view is that you now need to say what flatMap means for things that are not shaped like arrays. Eg. does it make intuitive sense to flatMap a tree? (A retort is that it must make sense, whatever you call this operation; and flattening a tree means to turn a tree of trees into an one-level tree)