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Comment by 2OEH8eoCRo0

3 months ago

I appreciate the explanation. The argument that China can't throw you in jail is technically correct but ignores all of the things that they can do to you. They won't throw you in jail they only seek to erode and nullify the West.

I'm not worried about jail as much as I'm worried about surveillance of my friends and family for profile building, blackmail, staging cyber attacks on power grids and water treatment, and harassing journalists to name a few. They can and are currently doing those things on a massive scale.

I also worry about those things. China (and Russia, and Iran) are definitely trying to "erode and nullify the West"; I worry about they succeeding. I worry that, at least in part, they are succeeding.

But as the saying is, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." The West could erode itself, too - by giving too much ability to spy on citizens to the powers that be. The more power, the more it can be misused, and the more incentive to get in power it gives to someone willing to misuse it. I also worry about that danger.