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Comment by crabbone

3 months ago

I worked for a company that had a product with several million lines of C, couple hundreds of lines of Java, same for Go, Ruby and Python.

And it worked great! And you know why? -- The programmers were skilled at what they were doing. There were about 60 employees in total, and they managed a relatively big codebase for a complicated product (distributed filesystem). Btw, our build system was written in Haskell.

And why do I mention this? -- because I also worked in many other companies, who used all the same languages, typically for much smaller codebases compared to the number of people working on them. And the effects were usually awful.

In conclusion: the choice of language doesn't define the outcome. You may be successful choosing a bad language if you hire good programmers and other stars align to make it happen. You can also easily fail if you use a good language, but other, more important conditions don't hold.

Your individual success is at best an indication that it's possible to use Haskell to achieve your goals. It doesn't mean it's a good tool. You didn't even try to have a test that'd compare Haskell to other languages, you don't have any explanation for why Haskell is good for your case. It just worked "somehow".

What I say, I saw from a more general perspective, and with some justification. But if you need examples rather than justification: at one point in the past, Japanese high-schools used Haskell to teach computer science. I was able to compare the experience to Basic and Pascal which I experienced personally. In the hands of a mediocre-bad programmer Haskell is an awful tool and produces far worse results than Basic or Pascal. And, surprise, most programmers in the world are mediocre-bad. You cannot take your example and extrapolate from it that if everyone used Haskell software would've been better. In fact, there's every indication it wouldn't. In most likelyhood it'd be a lot worse.

I’ve been in this industry for over twenty years. I’ve written a fair share of code in other languages. There’s not enough empirical evidence to suggest that one language is better than any other.

My example is only a counter argument that Haskell isn’t suitable because of the reasons you stated. Clearly it can be maintained, work can be split among groups, and delivered with reasonable efficiency… like a lot of software can be in other languages.