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Comment by dakiol

11 days ago

Wouldn't surprise me if in a few years Google, for certain keywords:

- autogenerates URLs (tha look legit)

- autogenerates content for such URLs (that look kinda legit)

All of this would be possible if one is using Chrome (otherwise the fake URLs wouldn't lead to anywhere). Of course, full of ads.

Think about it, some people are not really looking for some web site that talks about "baby peacocks". They are looking for baby peacocks: content, images, video. If Google can autogenerate good-enough content, then these kind of users would be satisfied (may not even notice the difference).

Maybe Google ditches the URL and all: type keywords, and get content (with ads)!

> would be possible if one is using Chrome (otherwise the fake URLs wouldn't lead to anywhere).

Didn't they do something like that with AMP. I recall that if you were using chrome and visited an AMP site from Google the address bar would say site.com even though the content was being served from google.com.