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Comment by btown

1 day ago

For the absolutely massive amount of code one needs to implement for production-grade CSS layout, the Servo source code is illustrative and IMO quite cool to see. For instance, this file just implements block and inline contexts; there's a bit of Rust boilerplate here, but the vast majority of lines are "business logic" around various parts of the specification. And there's a whole folder of these. https://github.com/servo/servo/blob/main/components/layout/f...

But implementing a layout engine is doable. CSS is not magic; there's a spec that can be (meticulously) transformed into code. I've occasionally showed code like this to people frustrated that CSS seems arbitrary, just to show them that there is a logic to the execution environment. Granted, you're not going to regularly click into it the way you'd click into the implementation of a library, but it's no different from something like React in that regard. I think it helps!

FWIW, Pavel, one of the authors, has devoted considerable time into what is one of the very, very few attempts at a formal specification for CSS (the static/float layout fragment cf [1]). It's a Racket program generating Z3 SMT solver code for verifying an instance layout (which also looks like Scheme) so it's not for the faint-hearted ;) but maybe just what an FP fan on HN is looking for as a challenge.

[1]: https://pavpanchekha.com/blog/css-floats.html

  • Wow, thanks, you always suspect no one has actually read the papers :) That was a crazy project... I eventually got it passing almost all of the WPT css2 fragment.

    I'm still working on CSS layout, with hopefully another paper coming soon.

    • For what it's worth, I'm just a devops person and I found that article on How CSS Floats Work to be very understandable :) Thank you for writing all this great stuff!