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Comment by sgerenser

8 hours ago

Interesting, are there any podcasts in particular that you recommend? Everything I’ve heard from it just seems like the most banal, cookie cutter stereotype of a podcast with nothing but extremely surface level summarization of a given article, peppered with random cliches and fake sounding reactions “Wow! ok, so let’s hear more about that. I’m intrigued!” “OK, let’s dive deep.” Etc.

DeepDive AI - I'm addicted to it.

  • That does not appear to be an AI generated podcast.

    • There’s a normal, human generated podcast called Deep Dive: AI (https://deepdive.opensource.org/). There’s also a confusingly similar named podcast Deep Dive AI that appears to only have one episode and is NotebookLM generated. Which one are you referring to?

      Edit: If I'm understanding it correctly after some googling, supposedly the "name" of all podcasts generated by NotebookLM is "Deep Dive"? That's just confusing.