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Comment by thumbsup-_-

8 hours ago

I wouldn't go as far as saying that immigration lawyers are "overseer on the plantation". That is an extreme imo. Lawyers are only there to help there clients navigate the laws of the land. They have serve both companies and immigrants as clients.

Though, I strongly believe that H1b problem is modern slavery. Especially for people from India and China. The law is carefully crafted to ensure a constant supply of captive labor who work hard, pay taxes and if they fail to be competetive then get sent back to their home country irrespective of how long they have lived here or their contribution to the economy/society here. Sometimes I wonder if the law would have been the same if it were to impact europeans the same way (Pls don't take this as racist. Nothing against European ppl. I'm just complaining about a racist law).

I know the counter-argument is always that "you can leave the job and go back if you feel it's slavery". That's true but like Europeans and like people from many other countries, we also want to live in this great country. This country has attracted immigrants over centuries. The problem is that the law is carefully crafted to ensure that not too many people of color become citizens here without having a clear race based restriction in the law.

The U.S. has misused the law to exploit migrant laborers from Western Europe in the past, such as Irish immigrant workers building railroads a hundred years ago. The difference is, those Irish railroad workers were eventually able to ascend the social ladder and be treated as equals in our society, because they are white. They were similar enough to us that they could "pass" and be accepted in mainstream American society and not be looked upon forever as outsiders. Other exploited workers from that era were not as fortunate and continue to be dehumanized and marginalized even today. Every attempt they ever made to join the club and be participants in the great American Dream was systematically crushed, either by force of law or by force of mob violence. Because they are not white. We invented a whole victim-blaming narrative about this where we chalk it up to inferior genetics or lack of perserverence, but anyone with a brain can plainly see that it is the natural inclination for people to adapt to their surroundings and to do whatever they can to be accepted and welcomed into the social collective. It takes a powerful outside force to stop that from happening, to keep the outsiders from eventually turning into insiders, who will then start compelling us to share the commons with them.