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Comment by donatj

5 hours ago

So please do excuse my ignorance, but is there a "logic" related reason other than hardware cost limitations ala "8 was cheaper than 10 for the same number of memory addresses" that bytes are 8 bits instead of 10? Genuinely curious, as a high-level dev of twenty years, I don't know why 8 was selected.

To my naive eye, It seems like moving to 10 bits per byte would be both logical and make learning the trade just a little bit easier?

One example from the software side: A common thing to do in data processing is to obtain bit offsets (compression, video decoding etc.). If a byte would be 10 bits you would need mod%10 operations everywhere which is slow and/or complex. In contrast mod%(2^N) is one logic processor instruction.

Eight is a nice power of two.

  • Can you explain how that's helpful? I'm not being obtuse, I just don't follow

    • One thought is that it's always a whole number of bits (3) to bit-address within a byte. It's 3.5 bits to bit address a 10 bit byte. Sorta just works out nicer in general to have powers of 2 when working on base 2.

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    • Many circuits have ceil(log_2(N_bits)) scaling wrt to propagation delay/other dimensions so you’re just leaving efficiency on the table if you aren’t using a power of 2 for your bit size.

    • It's easier to go from a bit number to (byte, bit) if you don't have to divide by 10.

    • Because modern computing has settled on the Boolean (binary) logic (0/1 or true/false) in the chip design, which has given us 8 bit bytes (a power of two). It is the easiest and most reliable to design and implement in the hardware.

      On the other hand, if computing settled on a three-valued logic (e.g. 0/1/«something» where «something» has been proposed as -1, «undefined»/«unknown»/«undecided» or a «shade of grey»), we would have had 9 bit bytes (a power of three).

      10 was tried numerous times at the dawn of computing and… it was found too unwieldy in the circuit design.

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I'm fairly sure it's because the English character set fits nicely into a byte. 7 bits would have have worked as well, but 7 is a very odd width for something in a binary computer.

If you're ignoring what's efficient to use then just use a decimal data type and let the hardware figure out how to calculate that for you best. If what's efficient matters then address management, hardware operation implementations, and data packing are all simplest when the group size is a power of the base.

likely mostly as a concession to ASCII in the end. you used a typewriter to write into and receive terminal output from machines back in the day. terminals would use ASCII. there were machines with all sorts of smallest-addressable-sizes, but eight bit bytes align nicely with ASCII. makes strings easier. making strings easier makes programming easier. easier programming makes a machine more popular. once machines started standardizing on eight bit bytes, others followed. when they went to add more data, they kept the byte since code was written for bytes, and made their new registeres two bytes. then two of those. then two of those. so we're sitting at 64 bit registers on the backs of all that that came before.

I'm not sure why you think being able to store values from -512 to +511 is more logical than -128 to +127?

  • Buckets of 10 seem more regular to beings with 10 fingers that can be up or down?

    • I think 8bits (really 7 bits) was chosen because it holds a value closest to +/- 100. What is regular just depends on how you look at it.