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Comment by crossroadsguy

8 hours ago

Even my allergies are tamed when I am at the right weight and physically very and consistently active. (It might just be coincidence though). Cutting off refined/white sugar almost completely has helped a lot I guess (I do have a sweets cheat day every 3-5 months. It’s not planned but somehow this is how it has worked with visits to friends and relatives).

Is type 2 a permanent disease? Or is like when you lifestyle is bad and your sugar remains high/etc you are suffering from type 2 diabetes, but when your lifestyle and weight and great and sugar is well under control you don’t have type 2 diabetes, but if that changes you can get it again? Or it’s like - once “marked with type 2” no matter the sugar marker results you are a type 2 patient forever?

It depends how many beta cells you have left. Usually by the time you are diagnosed you've lost at least 50%. Once they are gone you'll need exogenous insulin.

  • Beta cells are destroyed only during type 1 diabetes and are not associated with dietary choices.

    During type 2, your body becomes resistant to the effects of insulin produced by the beta cells and they go into over drive providing insulin. Eventually, the beta cells become over stimulated and reduce effectiveness, but they don't die.

    There's no reversing type 1. You can have remission of type 2 and your beta cells return to normal. Neither outcome depend on "how many are left

It's probably not a coincidence your allergies are better when you're active. You're body wants to spend a certain amount of calories each day regardless of what you do, and if you are not active or happily pumps excess calories into your immune system.

Some autoimmune disease are significantly improved with regular exercise