

Joined 13 years ago, with 4325 karma


Full-stack web dev, working in the field for more than 15 years (worked a few years in Delphi and C++ before).

Nowadays I mostly consult startups, helping them with app architecture and planning for performance/scalability, or act as a team leader on small to medium sized projects. Prefer smaller companies/teams, and remote work is a must.

I've spent quite a lot of time working on integrations and fixing the issues with custom written apis and systems, usually with outdated & undocumented code, and thus over time I've developed very versatile set of skills and got very good in figuring things out, learning fast and working independently on complex setups.

Most of the time I work in PHP (prefer laravel or symfony) and javascript (jquery, knockout, angular 1.x, vue, react, node), but I've also got tons of experience with fixing advanced CSS issues, as well as a fair amount of devops skills: linux administration, apache/nginx, advanced mysql (query optimization, high-performance, scaling, administration) and AWS, ansible, etc. I've used perl a lot before, and now use ruby/RoR from time to time. I've worked on a number of projects with postgresql, redis and mongodb as well. And at some point in time I've also spent a lot of time writing custom themes/plugins for Wordpress (not my primary interest anymore however).

You can find me on twitter: @ivanhoe011, feel free to DM me there.