Comment by Closi

3 years ago

I'm not sure who this product is targeted at. If it's for "home consumers" then it doesn't really make that much sense as the calendar is focussed on the 9-5, while home calendars are usually more focused on the 4pm-10pm. Also bear in mind that home calendars will have multiple simultaneous appointments - Dad will take the dog to the vet appointment while Mum takes her daughter to the ballet, so it needs to be possible to show these side by side and be readable (especially considering these are short activities).

Then if this is for office users who schedule lots of meetings...

If this is a product which is intended to be used in a corporate environment, the fact it is missing Exchange support (or at least that this is not stated) is a huge gap for most people.

Additionally is this thing a touch screen? Like if a new meeting appears can I accept it on this device or do I need to go and get another device just to accept the meeting?

And if I have a meeting at 6am does it shrink the time to show it? How about all-day meetings, do they show up at the top? (Sometimes I have a combination of all-day meetings with other meetings throughout the day).

Can I click on the meeting and see more details? My calendar is full of lots of ones called "Catch up - X and Y" and it looks like the later part of the meeting name might be truncated so I would need to have the option to either see attendees or who it is with. So I conclude that this probably isn't for someone with lots of meetings, unless it's mainly for novelty.

Then if it's for a person who doesn't have that many meetings... the price is a little high.

It looks like a great product, it just feels like it needs to work out the problem it's trying to solve a little bit so then you can walk back to the features you need to implement. It risks being a product which is more about novelty than about being something usable in the long term. I know the page says home and office, but you might be better picking one and working out what building a really great product for that single user category means.

Looks like it would work well in offices to stick on the outside of meeting rooms or any kind of shared space. I don’t like it as a personal calendar.

  • Agreed, although the UI would need to be changed to do that effectively.

    Competitors in this space are expensive, mainly because they insist you use their room booking platform and charge a subscription rather than the system already provided in Office 365 / Exchange.