Comment by rsj_hn

3 years ago

This would be nice for old timers like me whose eyesight was ruined from years of staring at screens. I avoid doing scheduling on my phone due to the form factor, but have my schedule in google cal (others may use exchange), so this would be a better form factor for meetings than the phone, but without taking up valuable monitor real estate.

I would maximize screen real-estate, so I would stick it on my desk and occasionally glance at it, thus it would be nice if the box for the next meeting changed color a few minutes before the meeting so that I'd know immediately that I had a meeting coming up just with a quick glance. It would also be nice if I could tell roughly how many meetings I have in a day and when they are just with a glance. If you want to know something super awesome, have it very slowly scroll through the day. E.g. in the morning you might see

9 am (empty box) 11 am (shaded box for meeting) 1 pm (empty box) 3 pm (shaded box for 3 pm meeting) 5 pm empty box

Then, as you approach 11 am the shaded box turns black, maybe it even says "meeting in 10 min". By that time, the 9 am box has been scrolled off the screen.

At 1pm, the 9 am meeting has scrolled off, and I only need to see the 3 pm box. close to 3, that one turns black. etc.

Another option is to magnify what's coming up:

small box for things in past big box for things right now medium box for hour after that small box for everything after that

Point being, you just want to get all the info you need -- what's coming up -- without squinting at the frame or spending a lot of time looking at it.