Comment by lostcolony

3 years ago

Sort of, but I don't think I agree fully.

That is, if someone feels they'll be able to find a job outside of their current company, or that they have enough money to be out of work for a while, or that they're safe in the company even if they make waves, then they can optimize for their team's comfort above their own, and I'd contend that if you've ever had a manager you liked, they were doing that (even if it seemed like they weren't doing much).

So, sure, first it's Maslov's hierarchy of needs, but it's the one we're already familiar with; if someone feels their basic financial needs aren't contingent on people pleasing, then they can afford to not people please, and good employees, and good environments, encourage empowered individuals...but a bunch of empowered individuals may still have different priorities, which requires 'politics' to navigate.

If people -don't- feel their basic financial are guaranteed, then yeah, all bets are off.