Comment by _Microft

2 years ago

> The goal of an UG is to have limited liabilities from the start, however you need to convert it into a full GmbH, once you have generated €25.000. It still baffles me, that you need to buy your own shares in Germany, in order to receive the “status” and protection of being a fully incorporated company.

I hope I am not too far off the truth, please correct me if I am: "mbH" in "GmbH" means "mit beschränkter Haftung" = limited liability. In case of insolvency, creditors will only be paid from what the company has and that's where this money comes in. To avoid potentially screwing creditors over right from the beginning, (co)founders have to pay in that amount into the company pockets so that there is some money that could be used to pay creditors in case of insolvency (or half of that =12.5k€ and be personally liable for up to another 12.5k€ in case of insolvency, right?).

Also: Döner for 2€? Really? Good Döners in my city are 5-6€, I can't (and don't want to) imagine what a 2€-Döner must taste like.

This blog post is two years old. In 2019–20, I think I could get a decent Döner for €3,50 in Berlin (depending heavily on the neighborhood, specific location, etc.). Prices have come up a fair bit since then. But yeah, €2 is eyebrow-raisingly low.