Comment by jonahss

2 years ago

Heh heh, that's like phase 4 ;)

I want kids to be able to play at school or at camp, so didn't add any connectivity. Plus I'm trying to stay cheap. But I can imagine adding bluetooth to the base or to your phone or something. Then I can go all "BILLS PC" and let you store your spirits on the cloud, let you load them in and out of cards, etc etc.

Except I don't want to turn it into an online game. Computer games are awesome, I think it's lame to emulate physical cards with a computer, a'la' Hearthstone.

I think that NFC ends up cheaper than Bluetooth. For one thing, you don't need a battery. (And you shouldn't need a battery on your current design either, since you are changing the screen while connected to a dock which can have power)