Comment by jonahss

2 years ago


Yup, you called it. The cards are totally passive. Just the screen and an eeprom memory chip, no battery.

All the compute happens in the base.

Color e-ink way too expensive for now, but if Wizards of the Coast wants to invest 100MM we can make em in color, thinner, and flexible!

> Color e-ink way too expensive for now, but if Wizards of the Coast wants to invest 100MM we can make em in color, thinner, and flexible!

100% makes sense. eInk is so frustrating sometimes, I wish somebody had an application that used a bazillion of the things so they’d get some economy of scale going. You are just going to have to make these things the next Magic to solve the scaling issue.

> Yup, you called it. The cards are totally passive. Just the screen and an eeprom memory chip, no battery.

Sensible way of doing it.

For a game like Talisman, your player token could the the card. It would be nice to have the pins inside the game board, though, so that you could just place your token on a special location, and an event happens. This would require a powered board, though, which kind of detracts from the idea that the games could be played disconnected.

  • That'd be cool! Talisman is an entertaining game.

    I think the reason I was able to buy these e-innk displays so cheap is that they're the exact size of grocery store shelf price tags.