Comment by sema4hacker

10 months ago

If you "don't want to do it alone" it won't be your "own thing".

If you came to me with your pitch, I'd be very suspicious of how you came up with your $ and people requirements, and my response would be "Don't waste time looking for money and designers and developers right now. Instead, lock yourself in a room for 3 or 4 weeks, code some of that boring business software you have in mind (even if you end up having to throw it away), then come back and demo to me what you've accomplished. Then we'll talk money."

Since you plan on doing boring business software, I presume you already have considerable business knowledge and experience. So where is the business plan? Any investor will want to see a 3-5 year plan, which clearly shows how they will get a stronger return on their investment than taking the easy option, e.g. mutual funds, etc.

As soon as you have investor(s), it is no longer your thing. The person providing the money makes the decisions.

> If you "don't want to do it alone" it won't be your "own thing".

Correct. My end goal is to exit investors (happily) and make it an employee owned co-op. Would love for the employees to collective bargain from day 1.

> If you came to me with your pitch, I'd be very suspicious of how you came up with your $ and people requirements, and my response would be ...

I put a budget together based on experience at 5 other startups and small businesses. I have been working for 17 years so I have some experience to draw on but I don't want to get on the same happy-go-pukey, growth-for-growths-sake ride. And ofc, working in a funded company is very different than starting something from nothing, hence the question.