Comment by pompino

8 months ago

>1. Haven't really noticed it in X time using it 2. It doesn't bother me, because I have more screen space for the main windows, and the menu / task icons are now in space that wasn't available before 3. It's not a selling point for the laptop, but neither is it a disaster, and it's barely noticeable.

I routinely jump between different devices with and without notches. The notched devices continue to highlight the flawed UX each time. For people who unconditionally love Apple (quite a few on HN) or don't care either way, its not a problem.

>You have called it bad design. Pretty much everyone who has responded to your repetitive message has said "it's a compromise".

Its true, 10 people on an online forum disagreed with me.

>Bad design is anti-human.

Anti-human? You've lost me sorry.

>Statistically, no one is going to immediately buy a new version of a MacBook that does not have the notch just because it does not have the notch. They will do so because it offers a substantial boost over their current configuration (speed, RAM, display space, storage), and they may not even notice that there's not a notch anymore…unless they have used tools like Bartender or Hand Mirror that can take advantage of your cursor being under the notch to trigger useful functionality.

Yes, I agree and said so. Its not enough of an irritant to disqualify the purchase.

> I’m sure that Apple would love to hear from you (I’ll bet they've tried a lot of ideas that you have had and many more you haven't; they're not perfect, but they are really good at design experimentation and industrial processes). Until then, you’re just another Abe Simpson complaining about things on the Internet.

Apple doesn't want to hear from me because they already know the notch is ridiculous. They're working on removing it, they have stated all but publicly - because Apple never acknowledges their flaws unless they are sued.

> It’s true, 10 people on an online forum disagreed with me.

If you were to look at any other forum, the comments seem about 10:1 for people who are not bothered by the notch. The other people who are not coming onto a forum to complain seem to not be bothered enough to post about it.

> Apple doesn't want to hear from me because they already know the notch is ridiculous. They're working on removing it, they have stated all but publicly - because Apple never acknowledges their flaws unless they are sued.

It may bug you so much that you call it “ridiculous” but most of us recognize that it is a compromise between conflicting constraints and the downsides are minor. Certainly Apple would like to resolve that compromise with fewer downsides, but to do so requires them developing the tech to put those components under the screen. That doesn’t exist yet without bringing in new compromises. Just like on the phone, once they can hide those components they will. In the meantime, we can either continue to get worked up about it or relax and get on with our work.

  • I believe bad design can't be excused under "compromise". You've made your position clear, as such there is nothing to discuss except acknowledge that we have a disagreement.