Comment by coldtea

5 months ago

Not sure what you mean.

With this setting, I never have to "switch back to the default language", it only switches when I explicitly do so with a "next input source" keyboard shortcut.

Regardless if the "next app has a text input in focus" or not, the language I have set (english or my local one), sticks when I change apps.

Also, open Spotlight when in an app with alternative input language. Spotlight should switch to default, but it doesn’t, and adopts the unwanted alternative language.

  • The behavior I want (and get) is: nothing switches input language, except me explicitly.

    So,if I'm in an app "with alternative input language X" it means at some point before I excplitly set X as the active input language (and that gets enforced system-wide). Then if I change to Spotlight, it still uses the same X language.

    I understood that to be what you also want, but perhaps you want the opposite (which I haven't tried and don't really want - to have apps remember their own input language each. Then the same toggle looks to be able to cover that, but perhaps not well, as you say).

    • I'm typing in Notes in Bulgarian, switching to NetNewsWire, where I press K to clear all articles and it doesn't work because NetNewsWire is now in Bulgarian. It makes no sense. Same for Spotlight. It searches the system in the default system language, what should it matter that I'm currently typing in Bulgarian somewhere? Windows has an option whether to keep each app's language or apply it globally.

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