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Comment by ben7799

5 months ago

I don't think I've ever seen this or heard anyone talk about it. I've had at least one Mac since 2006 and all the engineering departments I've worked in since 2014 have been all Mac. Mostly at work I'm not doing much with audio, but at home I have had external DACs and equipment, I have a Scarlet interface, etc.. that I hook mics or guitars too from time to time, etc..

There are plenty of things I can complain about and I kind of think Mac OS is getting worse, but this one hasn't hit me.

While people can have different experiences. I did have a L/R drift issue on an older Mac (PPC days) - Do you know what I did to have it resolved? I didn't write a twitter post, I contacted apple support.

When the support person couldn't address it they assigned an engineer who worked with me to identify the issue - the bug was patched in the next x.x.1

That's literally all it takes. I've gone down this route 3 times now in various products of their, so I know it's not some off chance to be assigned an engineer.

It beggars belief that people think complaining to the wind will get the problem resolved, when all they need to do is contact the manufacturer.