Comment by dan-0

4 months ago

Oh come on. It definitely couldn't be that it's surveillance technology produced in a country known on a massive scale for stealing information via electronic means, especially against the US, right?

Your statement reflects little knowledge on US national defense matters, shows a lack of knowledge about the technology, ignores recent historical knowledge of China's hacking efforts against the US, and provides zero information to back up your claim.

>a massive scale for stealing information via electronic means

You mean the NSA?

Surely we apply the same level of scrutiny to everyone right? Don't pretend that this is about China being a bad actor in the space. Everyone is a bad actor here, and arguably the NSA is worse.

I'm not trying to say DJI shouldn't be banned for government applications. It definitely has a hardware kill switch back home. But let's not pretend that facebook et al + Google + Apple are any different.

  • > But let's not pretend that facebook et al + Google + Apple are any different.

    Were we pretending this? Was anyone pretending this? It would likewise be quite wise for China to ban the use of products made by these companies in their own sensitive federal applications, and my understanding is that broadly, they have.