Comment by threeseed

4 months ago

WSL still doesn't have the proper UNIX like experience of macOS.

And there is no decent equivalent to homebrew.

Imo, it's much more of a proper Linux experience than MacOS. e.g. all the filesystems stuff is there like /proc, you don't have to deal with BSD/Linux differences, zsh/bash compat issues etc.

macOS Unix compatibility is an oversold feature, and it's unlikely for anything made for Linux to work on it unless it's specifically ported.

That being sad, a lot of the dev community own macs, so this support usually exists.

I mean with Hyper-V why even WSL and just run VMs of whatever other OS'es you want? Tinkering with the OS these days is just so much different than it was in the past. Trying to dual boot Win/Linux back in the day was a interesting challenge that might leave your disk corrupt, now it's a question of why do that at all? Hacking smaller platforms like the pi that are cheap seems to get more attention than PCs these days.

  • WSL gives you much better integration with the rest of the OS. These days it even covers GUI Linux apps.