Comment by dutchCourage

4 months ago

Hardware support, sure. Backwards compatibility is a double edged sword though. While it's awesome to have it's also the reason why parts of Windows feel so dated and inconsistent.

> While it's awesome to have it's also the reason why parts of Windows feel so dated and inconsistent.

I'm not convinced.

What Windows could do is make the old components available for old software, while directing all new software to use new components. Old software will feel dated and inconsistent, but the alternative is that this software would not work at all. If you don't install old software, you'll still have a perfectly seamless experience.

I understand that backwards compatibility is the reason Windows still has two control panels. However, if it was up to me, the legacy control panel would be completely hidden from the UI until the user installs some software that uses a custom control pane (or something).

I mostly don't understand why this hasn't happened.