Comment by lm411

4 months ago

I like MacOS.

I spend most of my time in a shell, so MacOS being POSIX compliant is a huge draw for me.

What difficulty do you have browsing the web? I just click Safari and it works. Though I usually have FireFox and un-Googled Chromium running as well... and they work just fine.

I generally use shell commands to manage files, but, dragging works just fine for copying and moving them. Certainly as well as it does in Windows.

Truly, I can't imagine what you experienced that was "unusably bad".

MacOS has some quirks for sure, it's far from perfect. And I'm not a huge fan of a lot of the changes they've made over the years. But I am a big fan of some of them.

On the other hand, despite massive improvements to Windows security and stability over the years, I do like using Windows. (And yes I realized things like WSL exist).